Nelson County Barn Quilt Trail Debuts 6 NEW BARN QUILTS--May 31-June 2nd

The Nelson County Barn Quilt Trail will debut 6 new barn quilts the weekend of May 31 through June 2nd.  We now have 22 quilts total on our trail!!  The new quilts will be hung (some are already up) at the following locations:

Quilt Name, Owner, Address:

American Valor, Joe & Bobbi Zahradka, Hwy 2 E, Michigan Yellow and Green in Motion, Leading Edge Equipment, Michigan Sun Flower, Lloyd & Vonnie Fosse,201 Inez Ave. So., Michigan School Days, Melrose #4, Co. Rd. 35 & Co. Rd. 4 Grandma's Dream, Elaine's House of Dreams, Lakota Monogram, Wagness Quonset, 2nd St. SW, Lakota

We are happy to again join "Treasures on 2" businesses for our debut weekend. Watch for further advertising from these businesses:  Heritage Arts & Gifts, Michigan, Nettiques, Petersburg and Elaine's House of Dreams, Lakota.

It is also Devils Run the same weekend.  The organizers of Devils Run have included our new quilt map in their entrance packets.  Watch for classic cars in northern Nelson County that weekend as they tour the quilt trail. 

Our committee would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Sylvia Daws and James & Annette Schmidt for all the hard work they did in completing our new map.  It is very professional and easy to follow. 

The new maps will be available at the "Treasures on 2" businesses and other local businesses before May 31st.  You can also print one off yourself by visiting the Michigan, ND website at and click on "Nelson County Barn Quilt Trail". 

Note:  Please remember to purchase a ticket on our raffle items:  a 4X4 Barn Quilt, a 2X2 Barn Quilt and an antique painted chair.  The tickets sell for $2 each and are available at local businesses in Michigan, Petersburg and Lakota.  The raffle items are on display at State Bank of Lakota for the next month.  The items will move to Choice Financial in Petersburg on June 11th for 1 month.  We want to thank 1st United Bank in Michigan for allowing us to display the raffle items last month.  Thanks to State Bank of Lakota and to Choice Financial of Petersburg for letting us display these items for the next two months.