WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
210 B Ave W Ste 304
Lakota, ND 58344-7410
Phone: (701) 247-2263
Fax: (701) 247-2412
State Line: 1-800-472-2286
What is WIC?
WIC offers information about how to feed your family.
WIC provides nutritious foods.
WIC helps you participate in other important health programs.
Who can receive WIC?
Pregnant women
Breastfeeding women (up to 12 months after delivery)
Infants and children up to 5 years of age who:
Live in North Dakota
Meet WIC's liberal income guidelines
Would benefit from WIC foods and services
Why get WIC?
You receive healthy foods at no cost.
The WIC staff will give you ideas and recipes for feeding your family.
You save money. The extra money can be used to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and
other foods that WIC does not provide.
To get WIC:
Make an appointment at the WIC clinic. The WIC staff will let you know what to bring.
The WIC staff will weigh and measure your children and explain how WIC works.
If eligible, you will be given a check for specific foods. You can use this check at your local
grocery store.
The Griggs County WIC office is located at the Griggs County Courthouse, Cooperstown, ND 58425. The phone number is (701) 575-9041. The office in Cooperstown is open every Monday.
The Nelson County WIC office is located at the Nelson County Courthouse, 210 B Ave W, Suite 304, Lakota, ND 58344-7410. The phone number is (701) 247-2263. The office in Lakota is open the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Tuesdays of the month. There is also an office located in McVille which is open the 2nd Tuesday, on even months. The phone number in McVille is (701) 322-4952.